30 interesting facts about music

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22 balandžio, 2016 sukūrė vdustudentes

Let‘s be honest – most people like to read short, interesting, never heard before, facts about everything. It doesn‘t matter if the facts are serious or funny – we always want to know more and more, it‘s just how it is. Today, we will go through some facts related to music. Maybe, some you‘ve heard before, but it won‘t hurt, if you will read them again. So take a cup of coffee and relax, reading these 30 facts.

  1. There are some countries, where on CD‘s it is written not song‘s name, but words „heart“, „stomach“, etc., according to which part of the body, that music will help.
  2. Research was done and it proved that music will give you not a less pleasure than your favorite food.
  3. People, who like to sing while driving and listen to music loudly, tend to focus more and they less sleep while driving.
  4. It is illegal to whistle any music for arabic people, because whistling at islamic countries is known as „Satan‘s music“.
  5. www.spotify.com/lt/arts/serendipity/ is a website, that will show you when two people, being at different cities, countries or continents, on Spotify started to listen the same song at the same time. Website creators wanted to show, that music can connect different people from all over the world.
  6. 1930 April 18th, BBC announced that „today there is no news“ and started playing piano music.
  7. Men realize other men voices that brain part, which understands simple sounds, like engine purr. When women voices, men realize that braing part, which understands music.
  8. Right people ear hears talk better, when left ear – music.
  9. Hitler loved gypsy music.
  10. Neurologists say, that music penetrates in the brains better, than any other experience.
  11. The longest concert in the world will last 639 years! Concert started in 2001 at St. Burchard church at Germany and it should end in 2640. Music is spreaded by a special machine. Music play so slowly, that you need to wait a new accord for months and to listen that, thousands of people are coming.
  12. Electronic music was invented by german Gershon Kingsley, which in 1969 using synthesizer created a melody called „Popcorn“, but that music didn‘t impressed the world and didn‘t became popular.
  13. When person is getting older his brains starts to accept dopamine harder, that‘s why it is harder to like new music and that‘s why person sticks to the same music and doesn‘t accepts the new one.
  14. Music has a very powerful impact to our brains. Music that you listen, can change the way we think or even the position we look at the world.
  15. Mico headphones can read brain waves and choose music according to person mood. Until now these headphones are still at prototype stage.


(image: http://www.hypebot.com/hypebot/2013/03/let-your-brainwaves-choose-the-music.html)


  1. Music can give you the same addiction as drugs.
  2. Music bring memories the best. It is, because we tend our life events connect to music that we listen to at that moment.
  3. Scientists examined mouses reaction to heavy metal music. Experiment was canceled, because all the mouses killed each other.
  4. When person is happy, he is just enjoying the music, but when he is sad he listen specifically to song words.
  5. www.buttonbass.com is a website, where you can play different instruments just using your mouse or keybord. The music, you created, you can record and save.
  6. When music plays in the background, it is easier to learn something.
  7. According to research slow music encourages people not to hurry and not to spent money. When classic music encourages people buy more expensive stuff.
  8. Nano-guitar is the smallest intstrument in the world. You can‘t see it just by looking at it. You need to use very strong microscope.


(image: https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/483755_428593457215415_1057046187_n.jpg?oh=a976773b50390c772fc867dd04927df2&oe=57775593)

  1. This building starts to play music, when it‘s raining outside. You can find it at Dresden, Germany. It‘s called Neustadt Kungsthofpassage.


(image: https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/522961_277715172303712_1533577898_n.jpg?oh=216dbe9867615a9a1223b2d485df5805&oe=57B70269)


  1. According to research, your favorite music can soothes pain.
  2. During the Medieval, bad musician‘s performance was considered as public insult. Bad musicians very often was tortured.
  3. Copies of singer‘s Ke$ha song „Tik-Tok“ was sold more than any single by „The Beatles“.
  4. Celine Dion album‘s „Falling Into You“ copies was sold more than any single of the bands „Queen“, „Nirvana“ or Bruce Springsten.
  5. Katy Perry owns the same record as Michael Jackson. They both have most singles at the first top lists from one music album.
  6. „The Black Eyes Peas“ song „I Gotta Feeling“ is more popular than any Elvie Presley or „Simon & Garfunkel“ song.


Information sources:

Aurelija Raudonytė

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